Friday, September 18, 2009

Selling out Poland (again)

This Gerald Ford guy is a great writer, and in typical Brit fashion is no-holds barred. He really rips into his subjects pretty good.

When the news first came out that President B.O. agreed to not help Poland with a defense shield, the first thing that popped into my mind is how we have historically screwed over Poland. They have always wanted to be our ally, and have been pretty vocal about it, yet we have historically always screwed them and threw them under the bus in the name of appeasing the Russians. Once the iron curtain fell, they once again tried to become our ally, now here we are in our historic place, stabbing them in the back once again in the name of appeasing the Russians. Anyway, here's the article. Enjoy:

Barack Obama: President Pantywaist restores the satellite states to their former owner

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