Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What in the name of God is the President thinking?

Any shred of hope that I had that B.O. and his administration wasn't as inept and incompetent as they seemed to be just went out the door. Take a man who has written about his abuse of drugs. A man who thought it best to not report it to the authorities when one of his underage students told him he was having sex with older men. A man who has written six books on radical gay rights. What kind of position should B.O. give him? How about..."Safe, Drug Free School Czar." Wonderful. It sound like he was given the position because of his anti-bullying policies. But as one commenter in the article says, the only thing he's done is promote the anti-bullying of gays. Good grief. This one beats the tax-evader as the Treasure Secretary.

This is quite possibly the dumbest moves I have ever seen a politician make. Now, aside from the OBVIOUS reasons not to apoint this man to this particular position, doesn't B.O. think there might be some backlash to this? How long before this blows up in his face and one more of his appointees is forced to resign? If this were a Republican doing such blatantly moronic appointments, he would be fodder for late night TV jokes. But not B.O. Just one more instance where B.O. leaves me asking myself, "WTF?"

Link follows.

Critics Assail Obama's 'Safe Schools' Czar, Say He's Wrong Man for the Job - Political News -

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Selling out Poland (again)

This Gerald Ford guy is a great writer, and in typical Brit fashion is no-holds barred. He really rips into his subjects pretty good.

When the news first came out that President B.O. agreed to not help Poland with a defense shield, the first thing that popped into my mind is how we have historically screwed over Poland. They have always wanted to be our ally, and have been pretty vocal about it, yet we have historically always screwed them and threw them under the bus in the name of appeasing the Russians. Once the iron curtain fell, they once again tried to become our ally, now here we are in our historic place, stabbing them in the back once again in the name of appeasing the Russians. Anyway, here's the article. Enjoy:

Barack Obama: President Pantywaist restores the satellite states to their former owner

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Piece of my childhood

I've recently been blessed with having a couple of pieces of my childhood in my hands. My parents brought me 2 of my "firsts" in firearms. Unfortunately, neither firearm has been cleaned in almost 20 years, since I left for the Marines back in 1990. They were both in remarkable condition, despite this fact. This is a testament to Hoppe's.

Today they brought me the first gun I ever fired - -my dad's High-Standard Dura-matic .22 pistol. It's in great condition, is a great firearm, and since they haven't made them in over 30 years, they're actually a collectable. It was crafted very nicely, and after a little research, I found the serial number places it most likely somewhere in 1960s production. The pistol required very little cleaning, even in the deep nooks and crannies. When the brought me the gun, tucked away in the box they brought with them was the magazine, fully loaded with 10 rounds. No doubt this mag has been sitting there loaded for the full 20 years that I've been gone. I was surprised to find the mag spring was still pretty strong. That's impressive! It's also a huge relief since mags go for $40, and not all mags work well with all variants of the pistol (High-Standard produced some of these guns to be sold under the Sears brand.)

The second firearm they brought me a couple of weeks ago, and is the first gun I ever took hunting -- my dad's Mossberg 42MB .22, marked U.S. Property. When I got this one, it needed some work. Plastic has shrunk, the front sight hood was broken off, and, like the High-Standard, it hadn't been cleaned in almost 20 years. I had to put about 5-6 hours into cleaning this one up. I took almost every single piece apart, including the entire peep sight assembly. Fortunately, there was only 1 small spot of rust, on the outside of the barrel, and the rest cleaned up pretty nice. Now I just need to order the front sight and the plastic hand grip from e-gunparts, and it will be good to go. The magazine is pretty beat up, but for $40 a pop, I think it will have to make due. I remember during the 80s, my dad had to search for a mag for it -- I had been using it as a single shot -- and we ended up ordering it from Numrich Gunparts, and now 20-sum years later, I'm going to the same place to get the parts I need ( is the online version of Numrich Gunparts.) One really interesting thing about this rifle, is that it is chambered to shoot both .22 Long Rifle, and .22 Short.

Taking these guns apart and cleaning them has brought back many fond memories, and has been a lot of fun. But not nearly as fun as taking them out to the range to shoot -- which I can hardly wait for.

(click on images to get full size. I have no idea why they posted all jacked up like this)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Paranoia on my part?

I'm not one to toss about conspiracy theories, but let me lob one at ya -- it dawned on me today... Democrats know they have their backs up against the wall on gun rights in this country, so they're playing nice. They know that a lot of them would lose their seat if they are seen as trying to take away our Second Amendment. They know that pretty much the only way to grab our guns right now is for something catastrophic to happen. Such as a armed revolt or something like that. It occurred to me just moments ago; are Democrats fanning the flames right now? Are they purposefully planting that seed into our minds, knowing that there are enough kooks out there that someone would try it? Just yesterday there was Pelosi, breaking down in front of the camera about her fears of political violence (
/2009/09/17/pelosi_chokes_up_warning_against_political_violence.html). I'm sure they knew if there was some sort of revolt, it would be small, isolated and undoubtably fail. But there would be blood shed, people would die, and most importantly to them, the nation's opinions about guns would change, and they would have reason for gun registration, bans, or whatever else they wanted to do.

I'm not saying this is going to happen, and I certainly do not want it to happen. I'm just throwing it out there in case anyone crazy enough to be considering some sort of armed revolt happens to read this. You know in case they perhaps ran a google search on the subject and pulled up my blog by mistake. Just think of the consequences for all us gun owners that aren't crazy enough to do something like that. I don't like the current administration any more than any of you, and in fact probably dislike it more than most. But don't for a second imagine in your mind that it is any more oppressive than it really is. If you think this is oppression of your rights -- and yes, I've read on other blogs where some people are saying we are being oppressed -- crack open a history book and read about true oppression. So a google search on Stalin, or Lenin, or Hitler, the Husseins (you have to throw Uday in there too). Americans do not know any more about oppression as they do about poverty. It's just not in the 2009 America.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rude behavior

Getting tired of all the articles about "rude behavior." 1. Get off Serena's back -- John Mcenroe used to blow up on line judges all the time back in his day. Basketball, football, baseball players all get caught up mouthing off to refs/umpires. Everyone's acting like she walked up and slapped the president or something. Speaking of which: 2. Joe Wilson -- Pelosi & Reed on separate occaisions called Bush far worse than "you lie" while in session and in other public venues. During the '05 state of the union the entire Dem party booed him during his speech. Stop being sensitive about it when it happens to your guy. 3. Kanye - he's a douche bag, everyone knows it, what else can be said.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Gun cleaning tip

I'm surprised how many people have never heard of this, but let me give you a tip that will make your post-shoot clean up go easier.

After shooting your firearm:
1) Spray/douse your firearm with CLP, FP-10 (from shooters choice), or some equivalent. I recommend one of those 2. Make sure to hit the action, bore, and squirt a lot down the barrel, until it drips out the other end.
2) Let it sit overnight.
3) In a large deep sink (preferably in your garage or if you're a northerner, in the basement. Somewhere you aren't afraid to let chemicals sit), fill some hot water and a big squirt of dish soap, then lay your firearm parts -- broken down, but not to the point where something will go down the drain. Let this sit for at least 15 minutes, depending on how dirty the gun is, but I've let them soak an hour or so. Don't put gun parts in there that you won't be able to get water out of.
4) After letting it soak for a bit, take your AP brush and scrub every nook and cranny. Squirt more soap directly on anything that needs it. Scrub 'er good.
5) Rinse well, do a quick wipe down of everything you can, then let air dry for a while. I'll take my lower receiver of my AR, or any similar part to a firearm, and give it a couple of good shakes to get water out before I let air dry.
6) Put on any finishing touches -- there shouldn't be a lot of gunk left on the rifle, but go over it and if you find any, clean it off with your regular cleaning stuff. I still punch the bore and clean the barrel as normal. After you're done, put on your lube as normal.

Range day

Had a special Labor Day edition of Range Day. I took a good buddy of mine to the Range yesterday and we had a good time. We had went pistol shooting before, but never rifle, so it was fun. I got to shoot his Sig 556 -- a first for me, and he got to shoot my Colt AR-15, which was the first time he had ever shot an AR. I was HUGELY surprised by that. He liked it though. We also shot the FNAR (he liked the good solid kick of that one), .22s, and Beretta 9mm. Fun, fun.

I ran into Joe Marine again. It's kind of a funny story -- about a month ago I'm sitting in the BK drive-through, and Suburban pulls up beside me and a grey haired guy salutes me. As he pulls off, I see his Semper Fi license plates. Pretty cool. So, I'm on my way out to the gun club, I get there, and there's the same suburban. So, I spend quite awhile talking to Joe -- he's a Vietnam era Marine. As I said, he was at the range again yesterday, so we got to talk again. He let me shoot his 1903 Springfield which was a blast. Sweet shooting rifle. Of course, it only reinforced my desire to get one.

We finished up the day with my buddy's family coming over and having some ribs, potato salad, cole slaw finished up with some apple pie, and washed down with a few Spatens. What a way to celebrate our commie holiday.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Slippery Slope

Democrats who want to push a socialist agenda are heading down a slippery slope. Instead of intelligent policy debate on important issues such as B.O.Care, whenever someone disagrees with the president, Democrat S.O.P. is to now cry racism. The election of B.O. was a brilliant move by the Democrats, I'll admit. If it was just another white, male Democrat trying to push a socialist agenda they would be forced to actually justify their position and debate the people that disagree. Now, with B.O., they can just cry racism, and do not have to justify anything.

But this move does not come without a price. Calling people racist because they do not believe in a left-wing, often times socialist agenda is a slippery slope the Dems should not have started down, and it is unfortunate that they did. The Dems have done a great job of making B.O.'s presidency all about race, even after B.O. himself did not campaign on race -- and I do not even think B.O. wants it to be made about race, though I am thinking he probably does not mind, if his policies are passed because of it. But charging racism whenever someone disagrees (remember during the last election cycle when B.O., Hillary, Harry Reid, and every other liberal Democrat said criticism was patriotic? Now, I guess criticism is racist) is only going to alienate people, and it WILL cause a backlash. Obama is already seeing this backlash as his approval rating took a dive and according to Rasmussen, is now at 49%, down from 62% when he took office. Another strong indicator of B.O.'s fall is his approval index, which takes the numbers of those that strongly approve and compares them to the numbers of those that strongly disapprove. When he took office it was at +23, now it's at -9. That's a huge swing. If B.O. and other Dems continue "debating" their horrible policies with charges of racism instead of real debate, these numbers will continue to drop. Of course the falling numbers could be due to the pettiness of Dems, or it could just be the proposal of such horrible policies by B.O. and his crew. Only time will tell.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Considering a run for governor

I am considering running for governor. And since Wisconsin has such a strong pool of contenders vying for Doyle's job, I don't think I would stand much of a chance in my own state, which means I would have to relocate. So I have to do a comparison of which states I like, compared to which states I could win in. I've narrowed it down to Minnesota. Mostly because, they apparently will elect anyone/anything. Jesse Ventura and Al Franken pop to mind. WTF? As a Packer fan, I have always been a little negatively biased towards the Vikings and their fans. And, I think as an American voter, I can add elections to the list of things that Minnesotans don't do well at. How can a sane and/or intelligent people vote for Al Franken? I thought Ventura was a momentary lapse in judgement, but two separate events showing complete idiocy show me there is more going on in that state than is mere coincidence. So, I think I can win. Although I might not be enough of a lunatic to get their vote, but I can try.

So I hereby announce my running for some sort of political office in the state of Minnesota. Not really.