Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The election

To put this all in perspective, I think there's some good news and some devastating news about the election.

The good news:
If Dems over-reach, which I think they will, and they fail, there will be a backlash.  The pendulum always swings both ways.  It was, after all, Carter that gave us Reagan.  If we didn't have Carter, we would have never had Reagan.  A majority of politicians tend to govern more moderately than they campaign.  The first days will be very important.  Clinton tried to ram his healthcare plan through right away, and it failed -- after that he was much more of a centrist, despite our biggest fears.  He was never as far to the left as he talked.  If Obama tries to do some crazy stuff and it fails, that will set the tone (we still have the filibuster power, which if we take note of what the dems did for 6 years can be pretty powerful).  If he succeeds AND/OR if the dems succeed in making the economy better, then we're in for 8-12 years of this trouble.  Which begs the question, since Dems are willing to sacrifice the good of our country by sabotaging our war efforts and wishing for our own defeat, could it be dems in charge of finance/mortgage/credit who helped the economy tank, knowing we would elect Obama?  I'm sure there will be conspiracy theories.

The other good news: we don't have to listen to liberals bitch about Bush anymore.  Now it's their problem.  They get to deal with Al Qaeda, Iran, Palestinians, North Korea, Mortgage/Credit problems, etc, etc.  THEY CONTROL EVERYTHING, so they can't blame us.  It's on them, now.  Now, WE'RE  We're the on the outside.  Now we can piss and moan about EVERYTHING THEY DO, without offering solutions.  I actually think it has the potential to be quite fun.

The bad news:
(note, if  you are close to jumping off of a ledge anyway, then don't read any further, because this will push you over the edge)
Being the eternal pessimist, this is what the Dems are going to try to do.  What's the first thing we do when we go to war with a country?  We take out their comm, so they can't talk.  Say hello to "fairness in broadcast" and say good-bye to talk radio.  The good thing about this, though, is they cannot control internet radio, or podcasts.  This is most likely where conservative talk would go.  

The next thing they do: Give amnesty to 18 million illegals.  Do you know what this does (hint: this is huge)?  It gives them a new voting block of 18 million voters.  If this happens, we will NEVER have another Republican President or possibly in congress.  We might as well disband the party.  Not to mention, as the Dems give more and more free things to Americans, who is going to vote for a Republican anyway, if they're all getting this free stuff?

Here's another thing they could do.  Do you remember what was the talk around year 7-8 of Clinton's presidency?  Third terms.  Given that they control everything, expect the 2 term limit for Presidents to go bye-bye.  Say hello to Barrack Caeser, King Obama, Barrack Ostalin, or whatever else you want to call him.

Another (obvious) thing:  guns.  I think for starters, all semi-autos will be banned.  Handguns and long-guns/shotguns.  I don't THINK there will be confiscation (but I could be wrong), but I do think there will be voluntary gun turn-ins.  Whatever is not banned will be heavily taxed.  As will all ammunition.  I think they will tax ammo to the point where people can't afford it.  (I will be the first one to get mine off the newly created black market).  This means that after all other rights are taken away, we won't be able to use our guns to get our rights back.

I think there is the potential to change the entire fabric of our country.  We're definitely moving into Marxist ideals.  I think what once was a hardworking country will become a nation of people expecting freebees.  Why work hard if you give it all to someone who doesn't.  I do think our Republic will survive, and we'll soldier on.  Or at least I hope so.

The Media Has Placed First President

I don't know if I'm the first to say it in these words, or to come up with this idea, but I do believe that the media has placed it's first President.  The mainstream media put all of it's efforts into placing Obama -- and they have succeeded.  From the very start, us regular citizens were too stupid to make up our own mind, so our "unbiased" media thought they would help us in our decision.  It wasn't subtle in any way, shape or form.  In fact it was quite flagrant.  The media and Obama Nation (which sounds an awful lot like "abomination") will claim this was a landslide victory from the American people, but that's not the case.  This was a victory for the media -- they placed him.

I'll be the first to say that I'm happy there is a black President.  That milestone has been reached.  I just wish it would have been a Republican black president.  But what is done is done.  Now I'm going to try my hardest to give this guy a chance.  Maybe he won't be as bad as I fear.  I'm not going to be like the liberals who sat around slamming Bush FOR NO REASON.  HOWEVER, if (when?) Obama turns out to be all that us conservatives feared, I'll be the first to hop on the bashwagon.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Doomed to repeat history?

I am and always have been a student of  history.  I believe that we can learn a lot from history -- not just our history but the history of others.  I frequently here people ask, “how could Germans elect someone as evil as Adolph Hitler.”  I think some of that is that much of the bad things he was doing was kept hidden from the masses, and he talked a good game.  People liked what he said, and were willing to stick their heads in the sand when it came to his negative attributes.  They were willing to blindly follow him to the ends of the earth.

Sound familiar?  I know, Barrack Obama is harmless -- and after all, this is America in the modern age, another Hitler couldn’t possibly happen in our Democracy.  Right?

Well, so far, Barrack Ostalin has already attacked the freedom of the press and of speech -- his minions threatened to bring lawsuits against radio stations that play NRA ads that speak out against him.  And look what happened to “Joe the Plumber,” he asked Ostalin a tough question and has been crucified.  Add to this the fact that the media is COMPLETELY in the bag for this guy.  We’re setting things up to go pretty badly, here.

Second, we know through what he did in Illinois and on the panels he has been on that he is adamantly anti-gun.  Now, this might sound good to Liberals, but I’m sure the anti-gunners in Germany and in Russia were glad when their respective dictators took away their guns, too.  So, once opposition speech is banned, and say, hypothetically, during his term in which democrats have complete power of congress and likely Supreme Court nominations, he passes a bill allowing presidents to serve more than 8 years -- and ultimately refuses to step down (I know, a far stretch, huh?) -- who will defend our republic since all of our guns have been taken away?  

I know, I know, this is all pretty far fetched.  This would not happen in a civilized world.  Except, it already has, just look back 70 years or so.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Why I would never vote for Obama

Do you want to know the the bottom line as to why I would never, EVER vote for Barrack Obama as president?  It's because he is a flat out wuss.  Oh, he's a big talker.  In one of his speeches he said McCain is bringing a knife to a gun fight, and he's got the gun.  He also said he would debate McCain anytime, anywhere.  If so, then why did he turn down 18 different requests from the McCain camp to debate?  He knows if he doesn't have a teleprompter and scripted questions delivered to him beforehand, he's going to get hammered.  So here we have chicken-little afraid to debate McCain.  Now, when McCain wants to cancel the Fri, Sept. 27th debates because he'll be in Washington taking care of the financial crisis, suddenly Barrack wants to debate.  Now he's talking tough about how McCain is afraid to debate him.  He reminds me of the chump who is afraid to fight for fear of getting a whuppin', but when someone gets in between him and the other guy, he's going to act tough like he was about to throw down, talking all kinds of smack.  What a punk-[female dog].

Then in the other example, he and his camp have been pretty cool to Sarah Palin since she was announced as VP, but as soon as she said one thing about O-messiah, he cries that it's unfair.  HE'S CRYING BECAUSE A WOMAN PICKED ON HIM!?!?  Wow.  As we would say to him in the Marines, "Do you have some sand in your clit?"  What a whiney baby.  Now I just read today he is threatening to sue news agencies if they run ads from the NRA about him.  Once again, what a wuss (I'd like to use a more appropriate word, but I'm REALLY trying to keep this PG, though hard as it is.)  And also, is this COMMUNIST RUSSIA?  Now were censoring in a political election?  His people can make up all kinds of lies and slander against Bush, McCain, Palin, and every other Republican, but when the NRA has an ad about the TRUTH, he's tries to censor it?  The sad thing is, as of the time of this post, the ad hadn't even run yet.

Even Hillary has more balls and a thicker skin than this guy does.

'nuff said.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Brett Favre

It breaks my heart to write this, but Brett Favre is now a NY Jet. 

I have been a Packer fan for over 36 years (since my inception), but now I feel it is time for the Packer organization and I to go in different directions (the line they gave to Brett).  I don't feel I can continue to be a Packer fan as long as Ted Thompson is part of the organization.  When he is no longer a part of the organization, which will hopefully be soon, I will resume my position as a life-long Packer Backer.

A large part of the reason that the Green Bay Packers are what they are today is because of Brett Favre.  Brett is wh0 won them games, and Brett is who filled the stadium to bring in revenue.  Brett Favre's name will be remembered long after Ted Thompson, Mike McCarthy or Aaron Rodgers have been long forgotten.  Let's face it, Brett Favre is part of the reason Wisconsin is what it is today.  He is our identity.  Our Breweries have moved to foreign shores (and Chicago) and California has taken over the title of America's Largest Dairy Producing State.  The only thing we had left is Brett Favre, and now he is gone.

It is really Brett's fault that he is gone.  He has spoiled Packer Nation into thinking that Quarterbacks are a given for us.  He alone has saw to it that we have not had to worry about who our quarterback was going to be every week.  During the Brett Favre era, when the Packers had 1 and only 1 quarterback, the rest of the league has gone through over 1000 starting quarterbacks.  A victim of his own greatness.

I hear a few Packer Fans complain about Brett coming out of retirement, saying he should have stayed retired, and questioning his reason for coming back.  This to me, is the biggest insult.  For over a decade the thing that we admire most about Brett is his Passion for the game.  We talk most about his enthusiasm, how he LOOKS like he's having fun out there.  His smile as he charges the end zone to tackle his receiver after a touchdown throw.  And now these people just expect him to suddenly lose that passion and desire to play, just because he retired?  That's the same as the people who question when a Marine goes haywire and shoots people when he's home on leave, or kills horses, or puppies.  You can't train a Marine to kill, then expect him to just shut that off.  Same with Brett.  He wasn't just going to lose that passion the day he retired.  He's a competitor, and that desire will always burn in him.  It's just a shame that after last season, Thompson gave him the cold shoulder and drove him into retirement before he was ready.

It's going to be odd for me, but the way I feel right now, every time Aaron Rodgers goes back to pass, I hope he gets intercepted.  I hope the Packers go 0-16 this year, and at the end of the year, all of Packer Nation and an unemployed Ted Thomspon say, "Gee, maybe we should have let Brett come back for another."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Generation Kill

In case you haven't read the book, "Generation Kill," HBO has a mini-series out based on the book.  I have not read the book yet, but it is number 1 on my short list of books to read.  As for the mini-series -- currently in part 2 -- WOW!  I served from 1990-2000, and I can't speak for Marines that came before me, but as far as my time in, the movie is really nailing the essence of the Corps.  It isn't all about the glamor depicted in other movies.  "Generation Kill" truly shows the complexity of Marines -- how sometimes you love the Corps, but other times you curse it.  Most Marines live for the Corps, but some are just counting days until they get out.  You have the good leaders that kick but, and then there is the occasional leader that is all style and no substance.  Marines will know who I'm talking about -- there's always the Captain or Major that follows around the Colonel like a puppy.  I think every Battalion has one or two.
Anyway, check it out if you haven't yet.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Shocking turn of events

About a year ago, at the apartment building I rent out, I was showing the apartment to a man about my age, who was interested in the apartments.  I turned around to see him pointing a gun at my face.  Nothing I had was worth my life, and wanting to go home to see my toddler son and pregnant wife, I gave him my wallet, new iphone, and everything else I had.  He took off with no incident.  A week later, the same guy, armed with my info, tried to break into my house.  Luckily I have an alarm.

Now today, I get a call from one of my tenants, that a man walking in the alley right behind my building was held up by two men, whom after getting what they wanted, shot the man and killed him.  The two men that did it meet the description of the guy who robbed me, and his set up man (who had inquired about my apartment about 30 minutes before I showed it to the guy who held me up).

It's quite sobering to see that the man who held me up, and his buddy, were/are willing to kill.  That could have easily been me that was killed.  Yet, as a landlord in WI, I cannot carry a concealed weapon with me.  Police and other "officials" are always talking about statistics, and how, statistically, once they get what they want, they won't hurt you, they'll just flee the scene.  Right, just like they'll leave me alone after robbing me, and won't try to break into my home.

I guess it's time to sell the investment.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I have been DYING to get out bowhunting.  I haven't gone in a couple of years, but I've been really stoked about going this year.  I've even been practicing -- about 3-4 times per week at the range.  I've been asking myself what has changed that makes me want to get out so bad -- and realize it's because last year gun hunting I shot my first buck.  And it was a really nice 8 pointer.  So now I have a little bit of buck fever.  I really feel like this is the year I arrow something.

Best yet I got drawn to hunt one of the most exclusive spots around -- in a Huge, densely wooded park located in the middle of one of Milwaukee's suburbs (to go unnamed).  Only 35 get drawn to hunt there per year.  I hear tale of many large bucks in there.  Being my first one with bow, I'd even be happy with something less antler-having-like.  I guess we'll see what stumbles my way.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Only in Milwaukee

On a lighter note -- yesterday my wife and I were driving from SummerFest towards our house, when we heard police sirens.  From out of nowhere, a young 20-ish man on a mope head came flying through an intersection and across our road right in front of us.  If not for my wife hitting the brakes in her mini-van, we would have hit him.  Following close behind him were 3 cop cars in pursuit.  Up ahead at the next intersection, I saw another police car try to head him off at the next road.

The whole scene was actually quite funny... a kid on a mope head being chased by 4 cop cars. 

Since he was kind of hard to see on that small mope head, he'll be lucky if the cops get him and he isn't killed by another car.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Who decides which RIGHTS are worth protecting?

You've no doubt heard by now about the Heller vs. D.C. case, in which the US Supreme Court overturned the D.C. gun ban.  The case essentially came down to the protection of personal rights.  Since D.C. residents are indeed US citizens, and US citizens are given the right to Keep and Bear Arms, under the second amendment, it was OBVIOUS to the thinking person that the ban was unconstitutional.

My biggest problem with this whole thing is why do we need the US Supreme Court to tell us that we have a right that is specifically given to us by our Bill of Rights.  The Bill of Rights doesn't protect the government or "allow" us to have rights.  It says those rights are unalienable.  They are our RIGHTS and cannot be taken away!  It is not a PRIVILEGE to enjoy free speech or to own a gun.  It is a RIGHT!  Is the Supreme court next going to write that we can keep our right of free speech?  Or that, yes it's true, we are all created equal?  Or maybe the Justices should tell us what religion we should all be.

Worse yet, how can the leftists that call themselves Americans, whether they like guns or not,  want to have one of our rights stripped from us?  These are the same people that talk about how oppressive the US government is, yet they want to have that same government to take away our only right that TRULY protects us from tyranny?  How can you be a proponent of Liberty, Freedom, and Democracy, yet want us to have freedoms taken away.  Sure, maybe you hate my guns, but you know what?  I hate some of the stupid things that you say, yet I won't try to take away your right to say them.  I know, I know, historically so many people have been killed with guns.  However, I wonder how that compares to the number of people who have died in speech-related issues.

Now the D.C. government and the governments of other cities with fascist gun-control laws are trying to figure out how they can reword these laws to skirt the second amendment, so that no one's rights are trampled, yet it is nearly impossible to get a gun.  So when these leftists do not like court rulings, they just make up laws so that they still get their way.  Like maybe limiting guns to non-semi-automatic types, such as revolvers and bolt-action rifles.  They will over-regulate this, and skirt the laws until no one will be able to own guns again in D.C. and in other cities.  This move by lawmakers to make it impossible to own guns is proof of one thing:  these strict gun laws have nothing to do with cutting down crime, it's about exerting control and taking away something that they don't like, just because they don't like it.  Because in the end, are all the new laws and tighter regulation going to take guns off of the streets and out of the hands of those that would do bad with them?  No.

Somehow, I just cannot picture this conversation:
"Hey, man, take this pistol and go bust a cap in that guy standing right over there!"
"Naw, dude.  That's a semi-auto handgun.  Dawg, you know we can only take the revolver!  Are you trying to get me arrested for breaking he handgun law?"

New blog

I'm writing this blog, because I've stayed silent about our society -- the American society -- for way too long.  Maybe you'll agree, maybe you won't.  Maybe you'll like me for what I write, or maybe you'll hate me.  But either way, I've got to say some things that need to be said.  More about me will come later