Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Health care debate goes much deeper than Health Care.

When a person speaks out against a Republican president, he/she is made out to be a brave hero by the media and liberals (one could argue that's the same thing) "He's/She's just using their freedom of speech, and they're being Patriotic," I remember hearing.. However, if a person speaks out against a Democrat president, he/she must be a Republican planted operative, or a plant from FoxNews, or a fringe lunatic, or just angry, or in the case of this president, the person must just be a racist who doesn't want a black president.

That seems to be SOP for the left. If you don't like the person's argument, just dismiss the person as someone not worthy of debating. Tear down the person. Discredit them. Now THAT's the new politics were were promised. We were promised open and fair debate. We were promised a transparent administration. However, the ObamaCare bill (I'll call it B.O. Care) is being rushed through, by President B.O., in the hopes that it gets approved BEFORE everyone gets a chance to find out what it's really about. Do you think maybe THAT'S why people are angry about it? This bill is huge. Epic even. Possibly the most important bill in the last half a century. Maybe we should take time to dissect it, debate it, and make sure it's something that will work, and work for everyone. The parts that don't work, should be replaced with parts that do.

It's not like President B.O. has everyone's best interest at heart, either. Like the deal he made with pharmaceutical companies that would double the number of years before a generic would be allowed to enter the market. This doesn't help anyone except the fat money cats. And, let me just say, I'm on the side of the pharmaceutical companies, for the most part. I think these private companies have done an incredible job of getting new and life saving drugs into the market. They spend a lot of money on research. I WANT them to get their just dues. They should be rich. However, I think the current method of regulating generic drugs is fair, and doesn't need to be lengthened.

There are a lot of reasons for people to be angry about B.O. Care, and to be honest, I think people are just as upset about the way it was presented to them, not just what's in it. Once again, B.O. stinks, and he's just proving himself less and less trustworthy.

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