Wednesday, October 7, 2009

CNN fact checks SNL to protect their president.

You have to be kidding. CNN decided that a spoof on Saturday Night Live was unfair to President B.O., so they ran a fact-checking piece on it. The CNN segment actually makes themselves look like an SNL spoof, leaving the viewer thinking, "you've got to be kidding me." If anyone still (or has EVER thought) thinks that CNN can be trusted to be unbiased in their coverage (read: love affair) of B.O., they are terrible naive, or just blind. It's funny, yet surprisingly scary, to watch how many times the commentators in this segment say that SNL is "not fair" to the President. Where was CNN during their 8 years of comedy spoofs on President Bush? Or on other Republicans? I guess that was fair, by their standards.

Stuff like this just gets me so angry I feel like slapping people. And I'm not really a big slapper. Not much of a slapper at all, to be honest. In fact, I don't think I've ever slapped anyone. But I feel like marching down to CNN HQ and starting my slapping rampage.

Here's the video:

Semper Fi

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