Let me back up a bit and say this: I love the .45 ACP (probably my favorite all around handgun caliber) and the 1911. I think of John Moses Browning as one of the top 5 greatest Americans ever. The 1911 was WAY ahead of its time. But...that time was over 100 years ago. It's still a great gun, and a viable self defense option. Probably the best handgun EVER.
But I still love my Beretta 92. Just as the Marines and Army that came before me who were issued the M1911, I am partial to what I was issued, and that is the M9. I carried mine for almost my entire 11 years in the Marines. (Most of my first 4 years in the infantry my T.O. weapon was the M249 SAW, so my sidearm was the M9. After that in my next M.O.S., my T.O. weapon was just the M9). I have fired thousands upon thousands of rounds with it, and honestly, I can't think of a single malfunction, nor do I remember anyone else that ever had one, either. Though I never fired my M9 in combat, I did carry it in combat, and on several occasions had it drawn and at the ready to engage a threat. Once I even pulled it with the intent of using it, but didn't have to. Every time I pulled my M9 out of it's holster, I had complete, 120% confidence in the pistol. And yes, I'm upping the ante from those that believe we can only give 110%. It is completely reliable, very accurate, and gives me 15 rounds to resolve whatever

situation I'm in.
Every situation dictates which handgun we sue. If I need CCW, the LCP gets
the nod. If someone is in the house that shouldn't be, I'm grabbing the .357 or my USP .45. If the SHTF and I could only grab one handgun, it would be the Beretta 92.
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