ABC and NBC did not have a problem running an hour long piece of White House propaganda that is pro B.O.Care last June, but they are refusing to run a commercial that is critical of B.O.Care. Just in case any of you liberals are in denial about media bias leaning towards the left, what would you call this? Liberals go on and on about freedom of speech and a free press and blah, blah, blah. But if they truly cared about those things, I think little red flags should be going up in the back of their liberal brains. A "free press" that only totes the line of the White House. I'm sure I'll be called a whacko for saying this, but doesn't this smack of dictatorial regimes, such as Stalin, Hussein, Mussolini, etc.? In case you don't get it; ABC and NBC are attempting to control the information that goes out about this administration. They only want you to hear information that is flattering or suits their liberal agenda. They have lost all sense of objectivity, and are certainly not for a free will of the people. These networks are merely arms of the democrat party. That is what something is, if it's pro-something, and anti-something else, and these networks are without a doubt pro-liberal causes, and anti-conservative cause.
This is just one more thing that exposes Democrats and liberals for what they are. They claim to be for individual freedoms, but the truth is, they only care for their own, liberal freedoms. They don't really want freedom of speech, they only want freedom of liberal speech. ABC and NBC tote the line for B.O., yet liberals want to shut down A.M. talk radio with Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives. Just the same with gun rights. Liberals are always pointing to the Bill of Rights, yet the Second Amendment is constantly under fire from liberals. I guess it just doesn't count as a right. It gets a little tiresome to constantly have to justify my rights, while Liberals just assume their rights are sacred.
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