The good news:
If Dems over-reach, which I think they will, and they fail, there will be a backlash. The pendulum always swings both ways. It was, after all, Carter that gave us Reagan. If we didn't have Carter, we would have never had Reagan. A majority of politicians tend to govern more moderately than they campaign. The first days will be very important. Clinton tried to ram his healthcare plan through right away, and it failed -- after that he was much more of a centrist, despite our biggest fears. He was never as far to the left as he talked. If Obama tries to do some crazy stuff and it fails, that will set the tone (we still have the filibuster power, which if we take note of what the dems did for 6 years can be pretty powerful). If he succeeds AND/OR if the dems succeed in making the economy better, then we're in for 8-12 years of this trouble. Which begs the question, since Dems are willing to sacrifice the good of our country by sabotaging our war efforts and wishing for our own defeat, could it be dems in charge of finance/mortgage/credit who helped the economy tank, knowing we would elect Obama? I'm sure there will be conspiracy theories.
The other good news: we don't have to listen to liberals bitch about Bush anymore. Now it's their problem. They get to deal with Al Qaeda, Iran, Palestinians, North Korea, Mortgage/Credit problems, etc, etc. THEY CONTROL EVERYTHING, so they can't blame us. It's on them, now. Now, WE'RE We're the on the outside. Now we can piss and moan about EVERYTHING THEY DO, without offering solutions. I actually think it has the potential to be quite fun.
The bad news:
(note, if you are close to jumping off of a ledge anyway, then don't read any further, because this will push you over the edge)
Being the eternal pessimist, this is what the Dems are going to try to do. What's the first thing we do when we go to war with a country? We take out their comm, so they can't talk. Say hello to "fairness in broadcast" and say good-bye to talk radio. The good thing about this, though, is they cannot control internet radio, or podcasts. This is most likely where conservative talk would go.
The next thing they do: Give amnesty to 18 million illegals. Do you know what this does (hint: this is huge)? It gives them a new voting block of 18 million voters. If this happens, we will NEVER have another Republican President or possibly in congress. We might as well disband the party. Not to mention, as the Dems give more and more free things to Americans, who is going to vote for a Republican anyway, if they're all getting this free stuff?
Here's another thing they could do. Do you remember what was the talk around year 7-8 of Clinton's presidency? Third terms. Given that they control everything, expect the 2 term limit for Presidents to go bye-bye. Say hello to Barrack Caeser, King Obama, Barrack Ostalin, or whatever else you want to call him.
Another (obvious) thing: guns. I think for starters, all semi-autos will be banned. Handguns and long-guns/shotguns. I don't THINK there will be confiscation (but I could be wrong), but I do think there will be voluntary gun turn-ins. Whatever is not banned will be heavily taxed. As will all ammunition. I think they will tax ammo to the point where people can't afford it. (I will be the first one to get mine off the newly created black market). This means that after all other rights are taken away, we won't be able to use our guns to get our rights back.
I think there is the potential to change the entire fabric of our country. We're definitely moving into Marxist ideals. I think what once was a hardworking country will become a nation of people expecting freebees. Why work hard if you give it all to someone who doesn't. I do think our Republic will survive, and we'll soldier on. Or at least I hope so.